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Leven Thumps And The Eyes Of The Want Book Review


Chapters :- 42

Genres :- Fantasy Fiction, Children’s Literature

Rating :- 10 yrs - 13 yrs

Author :- Obert Skye

Synopsis :-

Foo is the balance between the possible and the impossible. It is a plaid inside of our minds that helps mankind to have the ability to hope, dream and imagine. Leven Thumps, who was once an ordinary boy, was taken from reality and sent to Foo to stop those who seek to invade and rule Reality.

At the end of book two, Geth was restored to his former self, Winter went through the pain of losing her gift, and Leven was attacked by the whispered secret which escaped and is now ready to tell the entire population of Foo how sycophants die.

Fast forward to book three where the war to unite Foo and Reality has started. Leven must race across Foo to stop the secret from spreading its deadly secret, and he must travel to the island of Lith, where the manic dream master, the Want, lives.

Find your courage and join us on this adventure in Leven Thumps and the Eyes Of The Want, where we’ll travel to Sycophant Run, The Lime Sea, and discover a possible new gateway.


The Review:-

This book is by far one of the best out of this series! I enjoyed it from start to finish and I think that you guys will when you read it too!

This book felt like there was a lot of ground laid for the next books that were coming but there is so much in here in terms of interesting events and character development.

The most interesting part of it I would say would be when we finally get to meet the Want. Not only do we get the point that he seems to be self-centered and downright rude, but we also get his perspective of him from Leven as well. I think my anticipation to meet him might have been from the title alone, but when we do finally meet him it is quite the experience.

Another factor that I liked was how Obert Skye always integrates parts of life into the book. It’s almost like he’s teaching us a bit of a life lesson and then correlating it to the story that he’s telling. I think this was ingenious especially because of the audience that he has. It’s perfect to get young minds thinking while opening up their imagination.

The amount of new creatures we meet is also mind-boggling but I found it satisfying because there’s no way I can come up with that many creatures for one story. I thought this was satisfying.

We’ve given Leven Thumps And The Eyes Of The Want a rating of 9 out of 10. We gave this rating because not only is it a great foundational book for the rest that follow, I think that the events though most seem dismal, stir up emotion in the reader to want to read more and stand with those fighting for the right thing.

What do you think about this book? Do you agree with our rating? Let us know what you think in the comments!


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