Chapters :- 38
Genres :- Fantasy Fiction, Children’s Literature
Rating :- 8 yrs - 12 yrs
Author :- Obert Skye
Synopsis :-
Join Leven Thumps, Clover Ernest, and Winter Frore once again in their adventures across Foo to restore Geth to his rightful frame and throne.
During their adventures, things never get any easier. Foo plods on in a state of chaos and Leven who is currently in the Swollen Forest needs to overcome many adversaries to save his friends.
Things go from bad to worse when Leven digs up a secret that stalks him, determined to whisper its secret that can be very deadly if placed in the wrong hands. During all this confusion we get to stand back and see if Leven will be able to control his power, or if Foo will fall to an enemy power.
The Review:-
Like the first book, this one was also a very good read! Granted if I were to compare the two books I think that I enjoyed the first one a bit better.
In this book, things slow down a bit and though there are some places where there is action, it is not as quick-paced as the first volume. To be honest I had a harder time getting through this one than I did the first book.
I think the highlight of the book would be coming on to the end. Without releasing any spoilers in case you plan to read this, definitely the end starts to pick up the pace and leaves you wondering just what happens next. I think it was a great way to end the book so that readers would be anticipating book three.
The way that the writer lays out the events is quite good. Some say that there is a flaw where there is a pattern of big problems that befall the character where he barely gets through and everything is fine for a bit before a new problem arises.
I don’t think that this is a huge problem per se because if you think about what is going on in the story, Foo is in a state of chaos right now and it would make sense to have continual problems. I think we need to remember it was written for a younger audience and sometimes when our adult minds read it we get a bit too critical.
We’ve given Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret a rating of 8 out of 10. This is because overall it was a good read and the ending helps with leading out into the next book.
What do you think about this book? Do you agree with our rating? Let us know what you think in the comments!