Meaning Pleasant
Acceptable- tolerable or allowed
Excellent- extremely good
Super- very good
Great- quality or above average
Neat- skilled
Nice- pleasant
Choice- having good quality
Rad- cool
Favorable- complimentary
Marvelous- extremely good
Satisfying- giving a feeling of pleasure or contentment
Prime- of excellent quality
Pleasing- satisfying
Superb- impressively excellent
Superior- having higher quality than something else
Wonderful- extremely good
Valuable- of great worth
Worthy- Showing merit
Admirable- gaining approval
Agreeable- pleasant
Commendable- deserving praise
Exceptional- unusually good or outstanding
Fine- high quality
Spanking- very good
Precious- of great value
Honorable- worthy
Gratifying- pleasurable or satisfying
Sterling- excellent or valuable
Deluxe- superior
Splendid- magnificent or very impressive
Congenial- pleasing or to one's liking
Tip-top- excellent
Reputable- having a good reputation
Stupendous- extremely impressive
First-class- best quality
First-rate- excellent or high quality
Meaning Virtuous
Honest- truthful
Moral- upright or good
Honorable- worthy or honest
Guiltless- innocent
Innocent- having no guilt
Upright- strictly honorable or honest
Respectable- good in the eyes of society or proper
Well-behaved- polite or civil
Charitable- showing love and goodwill to others or benevolent
Praiseworthy- deserving approval or admiration
Untainted- pure
Pure- unsullied or innocent
Righteous- morally right or very good
Meaning Skilled
Able- having good skills
Skillful- the ability to do something well
Capable- showing ability
Reliable- dependable
Talented- having natural ability
Gifted- talented
Suited- right for a particular situation
Qualified- officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job
Useful- able to be used one or many ways
Meaning Kind
Benevolent- kindhearted
Gracious- courteous or pleasant
Kind-hearted- having a sympathetic nature
Beneficent- doing good or generous
Humanitarian- compassionate
Merciful- forgiving
Altruistic- selfless